सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं

Ayodhya : Why should there be a temple?

It's 6th December .. it was a usual Morning for me like any other day until I logged into the twitter. I saw two trends one #shauryaDiwas and #BabrasjidDemolition. And also few tweets regarding them. I read few tweets and try to understand  The logic of both the trend setters.

I was not even born when all these demolition things happened, and frankly being a student I didn't take much interest in any such news or politics.

I do consider myself a secular and liberal and yes I am but being secular doesn't mean that I have to keep my mouth shut when others are ripping away my right to worship my religion. I have learnt a lot today, what happened that day in Ayodhya, and what's happening now in Supreme Court, and whatever I learned till now made me hang my head with shame.

What kind of people we are? We never fought for what was our and that's lead us to first Mughals slavery and then to British rules.

You know what? I don't blame Mughals or Britishers for destroying our beloved land, culture and heritage it's all done by some of our own spineless greedy Hindus only.

Even after hundreds of years.. I'm witnessing the same thing.. when most of the Hindus are fighting for saving their thousands of years old identities faith and culture,the generation of those spineless bigots Hindus are still busy denigrating them in the garb of being "secular".

Is secular means giving up our own land, faith, culture,heritage? Then no Muslim or Christian is secular in this whole world.

        Most importantly this is not about a Ram temple or a masjid. This is the Ram's birth place!!! It's as holy for Hindu as Makkah and madeena for Muslim or vetican city for Christian or Jerusalem for Jews.

Can anyone ask any Muslim to shift their prophet Muhammad's tomb anywhere else? No nah? Then why we Hindu compromise with our own faith? Why why why? Just because some of our own Hindus are scumbags, who sold their soul to devil and happy to call themselves secular? 

Then my answer is a big NO!!

I'm sorry for being hyper but when I find injustice anywhere I react like that only.

Hindus in India are the most deprived community.. they can't even get back what legally belongs to them only. Ayodhya belongs to Ram, Ram belongs to Hindu .. so what's the problem?

If some goon come, kill my parents, seize my property and put his own name plate .. and after his demise if I want my home back is it wrong, will I be an intolerant fanatic?  Who the hell are others to preach me and ask me to leave my home in the name of the looter?

This is what's happening with our beloved Ram... he is sitting out in a plastic tent house for last many decades  because we Hindu never fight for our own legal right.

Remember there was an incidence of building up a masjid illegally in UP during Akhilesh Yadav rules? And that lady officer Durga tried to stop it,What happend? She got transferred and now the masjid is standing there tall and proud, mocking us all spineless Hindu . What we are suffering is our own doing. To earn the tag of liberal, secular, modern etc etc.. few spineless Hindu are working against their own people.

Mughal had systematically tried to destroy our culture and worship places.. they made masjid not just at Ram Janam Bhoomi but also at the " Krishna janambhoomi" as well. Their only aim was to destroy Hindu religion and islamicization of all the places of Hindu worship.

Even after hundreds of years the mentality is same.. we Hindu are still struggling to get back what's legally belongs to us.

It's a big SHAME

Was reading an article written by some sgarika Ghose, don't know who the hell is she but one line of her article caught my eyes" ghost of Babri masjid is laughing today" seriously Mam? And what about the ghosts of Ram mandir which was brutality destroyed by this Babar? You know what? The ghost or soul or whatever it was of Babar is not laughing but must be rotting in the hell for all his misdemeanour he imposed on the innocent Hindus. 

Also read about the sacrifice  of some Kothari brothers , were they criminal ? Why SP Govt kill them like that? What were they doing? Just trying to get back what's belongs to them only...

honestly .. people are losing their faith in our judiciary system regarding this issue.. as it has already been 25 years and still no judgement ..

irony is.. the rightful owner of the land is sitting out on the streets for decades like a beggar so that these "dharma ke thekedar" can decide his fate and judge if the land belongs to him or not.

Shame on Hindu, shame on Hindustan!!! And shame on our so called secularism.

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Maahi Kapoor  @KapoorMaahi


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इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

भारत को अमेरिका पर विश्वास क्यों नहीं करना चाहिए?

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